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Mid-Carolina Awards More Than $20,000 to Local Educators
Mid-Carolina believes deeply in the power of creativity to ensure a brighter future. Through our annual Bright Ideas program, we support local educators and their students as they pursue innovative projects in the classroom. Each fall we award grants to winning teachers to off-set the cost of equipment, supplies, special programming and curriculum needs.
We’re pleased to celebrate these local educators and the more than $20,000 we awarded them in October.
Renae Aman, Pleasant Hill Elementary School, Reading Nook
April Beale-Roberts, Dutch Fork Middle School, Remarkable Reading and Writing!
Rebecca Boyce, Ben Lippen School, Life Cycle of Chickens
Katie Brasche, Pelion High School, Movement in Math
Brad Bryant, Saluda Middle School, Showing Off-Digital Art and Design color printer
Amy Collins, Piney Woods Elementary, Reading Groups Across the District
Jessica Dorn, Hollywood Elementary School, Let It Glow and Let It Flow
Lauren Garner, Pelion High School, Future Teacher Starter Pack
Anna Gunn, Oak Pointe Elementary, Making Every Penny Count
Amanda Hill, Oak Pointe Elementary, A Passion for Reading is Preparation for Succeeding
Maya Hoffman, Ballentine Elementary School, Let's S.E.L.ebrate! (Social Emotional Learning)
Parker Hollister, Oak Pointe Elementary, The Science of Sound STEAM Exploration
Brian Mincel, Piney Woods Elementary, Fitness to the Beat of a Different Drum
Martie Newmyer, Piney Woods Elementary, Third Grade Book Clubs
Wendy Rauch, Chapin High School, Cultivating Coral Aquaculture
Alex Richardson, Batesburg Leesville High School, Panther Archery Team (National Archery in Schools Program-NASP)
Janet Roberts-Crump, FIVE-Virtual School of Lex-Rich District Five, Hurray, Hurray, I Have Something to Play!
Alexandra Rodriguez, Too Cool for School Homeschool, First Look into Space and Earth Science
Aymer Rojas, Ballentine Elementary School, Cultural Guest Speakers
Katie Sas, Saluda Middle School, Classroom Library
Kimberly Shealy, Hollywood Elementary School, Animal Rhythms
Tina Staub, Ballentine Elementary School, A Maker Space for Masterminds
Heather Studer, Batesburg Leesville High School, Calculate the Benefits
Read more about our Bright Ideas program here.